Norfolk Vocational Institute – Nakwero is Located 13 km from Kampala off Nakasojja Kalagi road in Wakiso District.
It gives young people vocational skills to help them get employment or start small businesses. It came about as a result of Canon Henry Lugolobi wanting to do something practical to help young people in his area become job creators as well as job seekers. The nearest colleges were in Kampala, the capital city. Young people in the vicinity of Nakwero were unable to afford transport there and pay college fees. Canon Henry had an idea that a Vocational Institute could be built on some land that he had, but he did not have any funds. Many years previously John and Barbara Church, who now live in Watlington, Norfolk, had worked in Uganda and knew Canon Henry. They were contacted by him in 2006, he asked if they could help in any way. John and Barbara gathered a group of friends together and set about fundraising. Eventually they raised £3,000. The group got on a plane and took the money to Nakwero. Bricks were made on site and a building was constructed. When the team came back to Norfolk they continued to raise money, giving talks and slideshows to various organisations. Small groups with different skills went back to Nakwero, they painted the building, installed electricity and generally helped make the building ready to receive students. That was in 2007. Today the Institute has computers, sewing machines and facilities to teach hairdressing. Teachers have been employed. The hope is that the Institute should eventually be self-funding. In the meantime the team called ‘Friends of Nakwero’ continues to fundraise to help Canon Henry to achieve his goal. The people that go to Nakwero pay their own fares and accommodation, this enables all monies raised going to the Institute. If you would like to help in any way, either by giving a donation or practically, the ‘Friends’ will be most grateful.
Courses offered are;
- Motor Vehicle Mechanic
- Tailoring and Garment cutting
- Fashion & Design
- Catering & Hotel Management
- Computer & Secretariat
- Hair dressing & Beauty Therapy
- Electronical Installation
- Nursery teaching.
Director Canin Henry Lugolobi
Tel. 0772364896
Principla Kiko Blasio
Tel. 0776152296
P.O Box 21505,Wakiso.
Website: www.friendsofnakwero