Mbuye Farm School started 20 years ago by Masaka diocese with support from German Friends. It is located at Lusolo LC 1 village, 2 km off Lwanda trading centre on Kyotera-Rakai road, Lwanda sub-county, Kooki county in Rakai District.
Agriculture remains the economic backbone of most African countries. In Uganda alone, 85% of the population is engaged in agricultural production and it contributes 42% of the National Gross Domestic Product, 80% of the export earnings and employs 90% of the labour force.
In the year 2000, the Government of Uganda formulated a plan to modernize agriculture (PMA) as a means towards poverty eradication. In order to realise PMA goals, government identified intervention areas to be research and technology, agricultural advisory services, rural finance, agro-processing and marketing, agricutural education, sustainable resource management, and supportive physical infrastructure.
Mbuye Farm School Diploma Program was born in 2006 with the approval of accreditation from Uganda Martyrs University. This means that it meets all the standards for deliveing quality education and its awards are fully recognised and comparable to those other of public high institution of learning.
Course Objectives:
The school will pursue the following course objectives to achieve the goal and work towards realisation of its mission:
- to provide high quality education, designed to meet current demands of the agricultural sector
- to prepare students to be self-reliant in their future service
- to disseminate agricultural knowledge for modernisation, improved productivity and profitability of agriculture
- to collaborate with Advanced Institutions and Universities, Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), Community Based Organisations (CBOs), Networks and individual enterprise with a stake in developing sustainable agriculture
Academic Program:
The program includes the following courses:
- Diploma in general agriculture
- Diploma in animal husbandry
- Diploma in organic agriculture
- other short courses due to start in 2007/2008 academic year
Courses Structure and Duration:
The programme shall be run on a semester system where the academic year (code named year 1 or 2) shall be composed of two (2) semesters starting in September.
The whole course shall therefore take a total of 4 semesters. A semester shall be 18 weeks with 16 weeks being for teaching and 2 weeks for examinations
For further information contact:
The Registrar
Mbuye Farm School Dipoma Program
P.O.Box 70, Kyotera
Phone: 0772 991810