Market Intelligence Questionnaire

Pellentes malesuada fames
May 5, 2014

Market Intelligence Questionnaire

Strategic Plan Review UGAPRIVI
June/July 2019

Assessment & Exploration, Market Intelligence Questionnaire

You are full-heartedly invited to participate in our questionnaire that aims to collect information on how UGAPRIVI is perceived and what expectations member institutions and the public holds for UGAPRIVI.

The objective is assessing UGAPRIVIs current services and strategy with the goal of better connecting vocational training with the businesses’ need for labour.

If you wish to be part of the process of creating a new strategy for UGAPRIVI, please fill out and return the questionnaire to us no later than the 10th of June 2019.

You can easily use the online version of the questionnaire which you find here.

If you’d like to use the printed version you can use one of the following methods to return the questionnaire:

  1. By email to the Strategic Planning Facilitator, Elena Schälike:
  2. By post to UGAPRIVI – P.O. Box 27305 Kampala


Please click here to download the questionnaire.


Please note that the questionnaire requires Adobe Reader installed on your computer. If you do not have it please click the button below to download and install it on your machine. Please note that Adobe Reader is free to use.


Many thank you for your participation!

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